Matthew 1:18-25

Session 2: Matthew 18-25 – The Birth of Jesus  

This week’s session explores how Matthew’s Gospel presents Jesus as the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy, the significance of His genealogy, the cultural and legal context of His birth, and the spiritual themes surrounding the Annunciation and Emmanuel—God with us.

Part 4: Who Was the Author of the Gospel of Matthew: This section explores the traditional and scholarly views on Matthew’s authorship, his Jewish-Christian audience, and the sources he likely used to compose his Gospel.

Text: USCCB Link to the Gospel of Matthew 1:18-25
Handout: (click here for PDF download)
Video: The Gospel of Matthew, part 1 (The Bible Project: Matthew)

Part 5: Marriage, Betrothal, and the Law
This handout explains Jewish and Roman marriage customs, particularly the betrothal process, and the legal and social consequences of an unexpected pregnancy in first-century Judea

Handout: (click here for PDF download link)

Part 6: Hidden Meanings and Nuances for a Jewish Audience
This handout highlights the deeper Jewish theological themes in Matthew 1, including the significance of the virgin birth, Old Testament prophecies, and parallels between Joseph in Genesis and Joseph in the Gospel.

Handout: (click here for PDF download link)

Part 7: Answers to Questions You Didn’t Know You Had
This Q&A-style handout explains why Matthew’s Gospel centers on Joseph rather than Mary, contrasts his account with Luke’s, and explores how early Gospel writers shaped their narratives to highlight different theological messages.

Handout: (click here for PDF download link)

Part 8: Spiritual Themes in Matthew 1:18-25
This handout explores key spiritual themes such as “Do not be afraid,” the meaning of Emmanuel (“God with us”), and how Jesus’ birth fulfills both prophecy and humanity’s deepest need for salvation.

Handout: (click here for PDF download link)