Welcome to Holy Name!

The Parish Office is open Monday – Thursday 8:30am to 4:00pm and by appointment.

To contact us, please call 219-374-7160

For the 11:00 live stream click Click here

7:00 PM Parish Renewal live stream: Click here

For daily readings Click here


Para nuestra Encuesta Parroquial en Español:
haz clic aquí

Upcoming Events

Our Wednesday evening Parish Renewal sessions continue this Wednesday with our Soup and Bread social from 6:15pm to 7pm and the Renewal session is from 7pm to 8pm. 

Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent. 6pm in Spanish and 7pm in English. 

Our Lenten Penance Service will be Wednesday, April 9th at 7pm

Our Lenten Living Rosary will be Friday, April 11th at 7pm

Palm Sunday is April 13. The Mass schedule is as follows:
     Saturday, April 12:   5pm
     Sunday,    April 13:   7am, 9am & 11am. 

Holy Thursday is April 17. The schedule is as follows:
     Morning Prayer:  8am
     Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7pm

Good Friday is April 18. The schedule is as follows:
     Morning Prayer:  8am
     The Chaplet of Divine Mercy: 3pm
     Good Friday Service: 7pm

Holy Saturday is April 19. The schedule is as follows:
     Morning Prayer:  8am
     Easter Vigil: 8pm

Easter Sunday is April 20. The schedule is as follows:
     Masses at: 7am, 9am, & 11am


Our annual Bourbon Tasting event, “An Evening of Bourbon” is Saturday, April 26th at 6:30pm in Sacred Heart Hall. To purchase tickets, click on this link or you may buy tickets at the parish office. 


For more information and to see all upcoming events, click here for the latest bulletin.

Click the button for our Matthew Bible Class – “Who Is Jesus” materials.

Haz clic en el botón para acceder a los materiales de nuestra Clase de Biblia sobre Mateo – “¿Quién es Jesús?”

Interested in becoming Catholic? 


Upcoming Funerals (click here)

 Generations of Faith schedule: March 16-17, April 13-14, May 4-5   Sunday 10:15 am Monday 6:15pm

You can now give to the CSA online! Click here to learn more.

Our new parish messaging system, Evangelus is live. Click here to learn more or sign up.   

From our Health and Safety Ministry: The new National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has changed to 988. This phone number is available for you or if you know someone experiencing emotional distress or suicidal crisis. Click here for more information.

Donation drive benefiting Project Love. Click here for more details.

For full website list, click here