
Two people shaking hands

What is a greeter?
A greeter welcomes people coming in and out of church. Greeters look presentable, smile, greet people, hold open doors (weather permitting), distribute hymnals, distribute bulletins, and make sure the hymnal carts are neat and organized after each Mass.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Who can be a greeter?
Any confirmation student in 8th grade and higher is eligible to choose this ministry to fulfill their Confirmation requirement. Students must serve at least two years even if they are Confirmed within that time frame.

Attendance procedures and requirements:
– Greeters must arrive at least 15 minutes before mass begins and stay until people have left and the hymnal carts are organized.
– Greeters are to dress appropriately for Mass.
– The procedure for serving as a greeter at mass is as follows:

1. Check in with the head usher when you arrive and ask if there’s anything you can do to help the ushers with before Mass.                                                                        2.  Greet people with a smile and say “hello” to people as they enter church. Help distribute the hymnals.
3. After Mass, help collect hymnals and/or distribute bulletins.
4. When you have completed your after-Mass tasks, ask the head usher sign your attendance sheet. Place your completed attendance sheet in the “Greeters” box          in the lobby before leaving church.

Greeter schedule:
The greeter schedule is separate from the main ministry schedule, but follows the same quarterly format as the main schedule. The schedule is published every 3 months and runs:

February through April
May through July
August through October
November through January

If you would like more information on becoming a greeter or need to your scheduled Mass time, contact Anita

(219) 365-9147  or