What is an Usher?
An Usher is the first official representative of the congregation seen when entering the
What do Ushers do?
Ushers play many roles before, during, and after Mass. The primary role of an Usher is to help people to feel welcome and comfortable when they come to church. Ushers are an outward sign of our parish’s hospitality and commitment to Christian service.
Ushers also play an important role in ensuring that various parts of the Mass flow smoothly and in an organized manner. They facilitate the communion procession, gather the weekly offering, direct the gift bearers, and attend to the needs of the parishioners as necessary.
After Mass, Ushers make sure that nothing has been left in the pews, lock the doors, turn off the lights, and make sure that books and materials are presentable for the next Mass.
Even though Ushers are “…the first impression a visitor gets when he or she walks into church, it may help to remember that hospitality is everybody’s ministry. Hospitality is not restricted to the ministers at the church door, but rather a ministry in which everyone has a role.” (The Ministry of Hospitality, Thomas Richstatter, America Magazine, May 3, 2004)
In other words, where we sit, how we interact with those around us, and what we do during Mass all speak volumes about how hospitable we are as a parish.
Who can be an Usher?
Adults as well as Jr. High through College students are welcome to consider being an Usher.
What are the responsibilities of an Usher?
– Before Mass, Ushers warmly welcome people at the door, provide them with all the necessary books and materials, and help them find their places.
– During Mass, Ushers gather the weekly offering, facilitate the Communion procession, and attend to the general needs of the assembly.
– After Mass, Ushers lock the doors, turn off lights, and ensure that books/materials are ready for the next Mass.
– Attend their scheduled Mass.
– Attend periodic Usher training sessions and meetings
For more information on becoming an Usher, please contact the following person depending on which Mass you want to help at.
5pm (Sat.) Mass: Heriberto (Eddie) Garcia (219) 613-0330
7am Mass: John Metro (219) 313-4097
9am Mass: Cindy Varenkamp (219) 232-2781
11am Mass: Greg Davidson (219) 713-2667
The staff liaison for this ministry is Cindy Varenkamp phone: (219) 232-2781, email: cindyvarenkamp@gmail.com.