What is a Lector?
A Lector proclaims the Word of God and is an intrinsic part of the celebration of Mass.
What do Lectors do?
During Mass, Lectors engage the assembly in a living experience of the Word of God. The proclamation of Scripture is a powerful and galvanizing force for the Christian presence and action in the world. Lectors have the challenge to bring the reading and telling of the Scriptures to life. There are two tables at Mass, the table of the word and the table of the Lord’s body and blood. Together they constitute a single place of worship before God; it is from each of these tables that we are fed, that we receive the bread of life. In this light, it becomes apparent that the ministry of the Lector is pivotal to the whole liturgical celebration. At stake is the experience of the sacramental presence of the Lord both in the word and Communion and with one another. Therefore, Lectors must understand and believe that they are performing a real ministry of presence and communion. They must accept that the Lord is active and present to the assembly through their proclamation and that the Lord longs to speak and be heard in the biblical word they enunciate. To each and all, the Lord speaks a unique word, and the Lector is God’s chosen instrument in that very moment of its communication through “The word of the Lord!”
Excerpts taken from: “The Ministry of the Lector” by James M. Schellman, America Magazine, March 29, 2004
Who can be a Lector?
Adults as well as teenagers (post-confirmation) are welcome to consider becoming a Lector.
What are the responsibilities of a Lector?
∙ Prayerful and intelligent preparation of their assigned readings
∙ Attend their scheduled masses
∙ Attend periodic Lector training sessions and meetings
∙ Develop their talents through continued learning and formation
Who can I contact about becoming a Lector?
5:00pm Mass: LouAnn Miller: (219) 374-6622 or email: louann2012@ymail.com
7:00am Mass: Dan Roper (219) 794-4849 or email: Daniel.roper@ymail.com
9:00am Mass: Paul Wilk (219) 718-1184 or email: PaulAWillkPE@yahoo.com
11:00am Mass: Olivia Garcia: (219) 671-7319 or email: oliviacg1965@gmail.com
The staff liaison for this ministry is Cindy Varenkamp: (219) 232-2781 email: cindyvarenkamp@gmail.com