What is a Cantor?
Cantors are those singers who, through personal prayer
and preparation, provide leadership and inspiration for
the song of the assembly.
What do Cantors do?
Cantors announce music, invite the assembly to sing,
and provide a sense of pitch and rhythm. Cantors need to be skilled singers, just as Ministers of the Word need to be skilled at reading in public. To sing well is very important, but it is not enough. Cantors have to be ministers, or servants, of the worshipping assembly as well. They do not perform for the entertainment of those present, but provide leadership and encouragement to enable the members of the assembly to sing the responses, acclamations and songs of the liturgy. (adapted from Ministers of Music, Liturgy Lines, 3/21/2004, Liturgical Commission Archdiocese of Brisbane)
Who can become a Cantor?
The primary requirement is for an individual to be able to sing well and lead the assembly in song. A peer-reviewed audition is required and training is provided.
What are the responsibilities of a Cantor?
∙ Effectively lead the assembly in song
∙ Rehearse music prior to their scheduled mass
∙ Attend their scheduled masses
∙ Attend periodic music ministry meetings
∙ Participate in ongoing musical training and faith formation
For More Information:
If you would like more information on becoming a cantor, please contact: Cindy Varenkamp at (219) 232-2781 email: cindyvarenkamp@gmail.com