Youth Altar Servers

What is an Altar Server? Altar Servers assist the priest during all Masses, Holy Days, and seasonal liturgies. What do Altar Servers do?
Altar Servers perform many tasks before, during, and after Mass. Their prayerful presence adds reverence and dignity to each celebration of the Mass through their listening, praying, and singing. Servers carry the cross and processional candles, hold the book for the priest when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, assist the priest when he receives the gifts from the people, and generally assist during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Who can be an Altar Server?
This ministry is open to all students 3rd grade through high school.
What are the responsibilities of an Altar Server?
– Attend their scheduled Masses
– Attend periodic Altar Server training sessions and meetings
– Participate during mass by listening, praying, and singing
– Know, understand, and carry out the duties of an Altar Server
Who is our Altar Server Chair?
Our Altar Server Coordinator is Marco Vazquez.
He is responsible for the recruiting, training, and scheduling of Altar Servers.
For more information on becoming an Altar Server, please call or text
(219) 577-7638 or
The staff liaison for this ministry is Cindy Varenkamp phone: (219) 232-2781, email:
Adult Altar Servers
What is an Adult Altar Server?
Adult Altar Servers assist the Presider during daily Masses as well as during Funerals and Weddings.
What do Adult Altar Servers do?
Adult Altar Servers are integral to the celebration of Mass. Their prayerful presence adds reverence and dignity to each celebration of the Mass. In addition, they are models to the congregation for how to fully and actively participate during Mass through their listening, praying, and singing. Some of the various tasks of an Adult Altar Server include: carrying the Cross and processional candles, holding the book for the Presider when he is not at the Altar, carrying the incense and censer, presenting the bread, wine, and water to the Presider during the Preparation of the Gifts, assisting the Presider when he receives the gifts from the people, and generally assisting during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Who can be an Altar Server?
This ministry is open to men and women 18 years of age and older who are in full communion with the Catholic Church. There is no maximum age limit.
What are the responsibilities of an Adult Altar Server?
∙ Attend scheduled masses
∙ Attend periodic training sessions and meetings
∙ Participate during Mass by listening, praying, and singing
∙ Know, understand, and carry out the duties of an Adult Altar Server
Who is our Altar Server Chair?
Our Adult Altar Server Chair is Carol Hoffman. She is responsible for the recruiting, training, and scheduling of Adult Altar Servers.
If you would like more information on becoming an Adult Altar Server,
please text or call Carol at: (219) 313-9605
The staff liaison for this ministry is Cindy Varenkamp (219) 232-2781