Who are Ministers of Care?
Formerly called “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound,” Ministers of Care reach out to our sick and homebound parishioners.
What do Ministers of Care do?
Their main purpose is to keep those who are unable to attend Mass connected with the parish and with the Body of Christ. They do this by spending time talking on the phone, making home visits, and bringing Holy Communion to those unable to attend Mass.
Ministers of Care have two major roles:
- To carry out the Church’s mission of mercy to comfort the sick.
- To assist the sick and homebound in their ministry of prayer for the Church and the world.
Who can become a Minister of Care?
- A Catholic living in harmony with the teachings of the Church and able to receive Eucharist.
- An individual of sufficient age and maturity to perform the duties of a Minister of Care
- An individual physically able to visit parishioners in their places of residence.
What are the responsibilities of a Minister of Care?
- Maintain regular communication with those whom they are assigned to
- Be willing and able to bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound
- Follow Holy Name’s Minister of Care guidelines and procedures
- Attend periodic Minister of Care training sessions and meetings
- Participate in ongoing faith formation
Who is our Minsters of Care coordinator?
Our Ministers of Care coordinator is Darlene Yack. She is responsible for the organization and formation of the Ministers of Care ministry.
If you would like more information on becoming a Minister of Care, please contact Darlene Yack at (219) 225-1882 or email dar.yack@sbcglobal.net
The staff liaison for this ministry is Cindy Varenkamp (219) 232-2781
email: cindyvarenkamp@gmail.com
Additional Resources:
For more information on Ministers of Care, please visit the following links:
http://www.gbdioc.org/images/stories/Resource_Site/Worship/Extraordinary-Ministers-Communion-Sick-Homebound Leader-Guide.pdf